Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
Moving right along into the second month of this year, 2017! The political environment has been heavy and I am striving to find balance between working to preserve the rights and conservation I value while maintaining a level of fitness and health. Only five more months until my job ends in June and still no concrete plans, though I want to be in the best shape I can by then to take advantage of whatever comes my way. Below, see some updates and photos and video from some ski adventures.
Fitness: Not too much to report here; I am not as motivated as I would like during this dead winter stretch. The positive is: I've been enjoying arms and cycling classes once a week at my gym. Hoping to find a routine and incorporate more climbing again soon.
The last couple weekends, I've gotten out skiing: Round Top Peak near Kirkwood, Waterhouse Peak, and resort days at Kirkwood and Dodge Ridge. The snow--23 feet in January--has been spectacular!
New Year at Dodge Ridge
January 31, 2017: Tour on Round Top Peak
February 1, 2017: Kirkwood Crew
February 4, 2017: View from Waterhouse Peak, Tahoe
My brother and me
The forest for the trees!
February 5, 2017: Wet Day at Dodge Ridge
General athletic goals: On January 21st, I went to DC for the Women's March on Washington, in protest of the current political environment and I've taken on a volunteer research project to investigate Tump's reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy ("Global Gag Rule"). My focus recently has been on what I can do to help protect our rights during this administration. This focus has come at the expense of training and the stress of instability is at odds with my health. I'm remaining aware of this as I make choices about eating and staying active, but it's strange to feel resentment because, all of the sudden, I can't just worry about what I'm going to climb next or whether I'm getting enough sleep. Larger things are now at stake.
During this time, I feel it's more critical than ever to find refuge with family and friends and in nature. My empathy for victims of political unrest in other countries is turning more toward sympathy as it appears our political institutions are nothing more than flimsy traditions. A very interesting time to be American, indeed.
January 21, 2017: Women's March on Washington
General career goals: In spite of the exhausting political situation, I have felt reinvigorated about the prospect of looking for a new position after June when my transitional role at my current company will end; this has motivated me to update my resume--focusing more on what I want to communicate about myself rather than the tasks I performed--and LinkedIn.
General art goals: This...just not so much! I haven't been creating as much as I would like! I finished a mixed media painting for the March (above), and am hoping to use time off after June to work toward putting together an art show, but my involvement in political efforts seems to have taken whatever time I had to devote to drawing and painting. I expect an inspired breakthrough soon...